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You can shop at HeadlightArmor.com online with confidence. Our site used the latest security protocols and maintains Payment Card
Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards at all times. Secure elements on our site such as the shopping cart and checkout process utilize
TLS 1.2 security protocols.
If you are using an older device with either an insecure operating system or outdated browser that does not support
TLS 1.2 you will need to upgrade your browser
to check out at a PCI compliant website like ours.
Current TLS 1.2 supported browsers include:
- Chrome 30+
- Android 5.0+
- Firefox 27+
- Internet Explorer 11 + (can be enabled on 8-10 - Windows 7 / 8)
- Edge
- Internet Explorer Mobile 11 (can be enabled on 10)
- Opera 14+ (can be enabled on 8 - 12.7)
- Safari 9 (OS X 10.9)
- Safari Mobile 5+
You can download a new browser from any of the sites below. Just copy and paste the web address into your browser:
Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple® Safari®
Google ChromeTM
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